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Indian healthcare mkt represents 1% of global mkt: VentureBlick CEO

The healthcare innovation platform enters partnership with T-Hub to catalyse internationalisation of Indian healthcare innovators

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Indian healthcare mkt represents 1% of global mkt: VentureBlick CEO

22 March 2024 2:00 AM GMT

Hyderabad: Singapore-based healthcare innovation platform VentureBlick and T-Hub on Thursday entered an understanding to promote cross-border cooperation, distribution and marketing support for healthcare startups of India.

Commenting on the healthcare market in India, Founder and CEO of VentureBlick said that the Indian healthcare capability, internationally, has been understated. “Indian healthcare market represents less than one per cent of the global market. 99 per cent of the healthcare market is outside of India. An idea born in India could revolutionise healthcare in Korea, China, or Europe. By forging stronger partnerships across borders and sectors, we uncover opportunities that move global healthcare innovation forward.”

Informing about the terms on which the MoU stands, Anthony Anish, COO, T-Hub, said that over the next one year, five to seven startups will be identified, supported and promoted. “What we are looking to do over the next one year is execution of this collaboration in four phases. Firstly, identify right startups that are capable of stepping out beyond India, who has a product ready to be funded, and their go to market plan includes international market access. We have mutually agreed on five to seven startups,” he added.

Under the collaboration, an international go to market plan for the selected startups will be created, and engagement with agencies in the chosen geographies will be initiated. Dr Kailash Jialdasani, Head-Operations-South Asia, VentureBlick adding further said, “We are also looking at established companies who want to explore newer technologies partnering with players from out of India and getting the technologies to India. We will be working with T-Hub to figure out which are the technologies that needs to be brought into India.”

VentureBlick T-Hub Healthcare Startups Cross-Border Cooperation Marketing Support Indian Healthcare Market MoU International Market Access 
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